Image Processing

Prof. Daniel Keren,



1) Restoring noisy color images. The goal will be to find methods which use the correlation between the different color channels, in order to obtain better results than those achieved by de-noising each channel separately.

2) Homomorphic filtering. Remove the effect of non-uniform illumination.

3) Blind deconvolution. To remove blur caused by an UNKNOWN kernel.

4) OCR: recognize the text in a scanned page.

5) OCR for equations: recognize the structure of simple equations in a scanned page.

6) Mosaicing: "stitch" together movie frames to obtain a large image.

7) Detection: identify instance of human faces in images.

8) Detection: identify palm (hand), like in the airport...

9) Any interesting ideas you may have.


Book on OpenCV

Getting started with OpenCV



Recommended book: "Digital Image Processing" by Rafael C. Gonzalez, Paul Wintz
Second Edition, 1987.

Some sections directly relevant to the course (these may vary between different
editions -- check the section's name):

2.4: Neighbors and connectivity
3.1-3.3: Fourier transform.
3.7: Hough transform (we will study this later in the course).
4.1-4.5: Enhancement.
7.1: Edge detection.
7.4: Segmentation.


This does not cover the entire course -- there is other material which appears in the slides but not in this book.

There is also a book of the "Open University" in Hebrew.

Course slides (compact version = three slides per page with room
for comments).

First lecture Compact version

Second lecture Compact version

Third lecture Compact version

Fourth lecture Compact version

Fifth lecture Compact version

Sixth lecture Compact version

Seventh lecture Compact version

Eighth lecture Compact version

Ninth lecture Compact version

Tenth lecture Compact version

Eleventh lecture

Twelfth lecture

Thirteenth lecture


Book on OpenCV

Getting started with OpenCV

Readme file for submitting homework