*Download from here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencvlibrary/files/opencv-win/1.1pre1/OpenCV_1.1pre1a.exe/download *Installation and Getting Started Instructions: http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/#Welcome.2BAC8-Introduction.GettingStartedwithOpenCV How to configure your project to run OpenCV: (a more detailed explaination can be found in the link above) after installing OpenCV you need to build it, assuming you installed it in D:\Program Files. -go to D:\Program Files\OpenCV\_make open opencv.vs2005.sln and build the project. -create your new project -in your new project go to Project -> Properties (Alt + F7) - there go to C/C++ -> general -> additional include directories and add the following: "D:\Program Files\OpenCV\cvaux\include"; "D:\Program Files\OpenCV\otherlibs\highgui"; "D:\Program Files\OpenCV\cv\include\"; "D:\Program Files\OpenCV\cxcore\include"; -now go to Linker -> general -> additional library directories and add the following: "D:\Program Files\OpenCV\lib"; "D:\Program Files\OpenCV\lib\cv.lib"; "D:\Program Files\OpenCV\lib\cvaux.lib"; "D:\Program Files\OpenCV\lib\cxcore.lib"; "D:\Program Files\OpenCV\lib\highgui.lib"; -now go to Linker -> input -> Additional Dependencies and add the following: cxcore.lib cv.lib highgui.lib Now you are ready to use OpenCV =] *Read Chapter 3 in Learning OpenCV. learn how to use IplImage *on histograms read the end of chapter 6 and the begining of chapter 7. learn how to use CvHistogram