May 23, Wednesday 14:15, Room 303, Jacobs Building

Title: What are the high-dimensional analogs of regular graphs?

Lecturer: Nati Linial

Lecturer homepage :

Affiliation : The Hebrew University


The theory of combinatorial designs is a branch of combinatorics that deals with highly regular combinatorial structures such as Steiner Triple Systems, Latin squares, 1-factorizations and more. Unfortunately, this theory has had so far very little interaction with asymptotic/probabilistic combinatorics. However, as it turns out, many of these highly regular objects play an important role in our search of high-dimensional combinatorics. In this talk I will introduce all the necessary terms and will explain how these two lines of research interact. The talk is based on work with coauthors: Roy Meshulam and Tomasz Luczak and students: Zur Luria, Lior Aronshtam and Avraham Morgenstern.